In nature-based spirituality, such as shamanism and witchcraft, a lot of practitioners make use of products from animal origin to deepen their connection to the spirit world and the power animals that reside there. 

The animal products you can find at Zorya are prepared by Ellen van der Kleij, who offers traditional shamanic services under the name Veenheks. As someone working with animal energies herself, Ellen knows how important it is that the items you use in your spiritual and ritual practice come from a proper source, thereby carrying only good and helpful energies with them. 

So the bones, skulls, claws, wings and other animal products you find come from animals that lived a natural wildlife or were lovingly held in wildlife-parcs, aviaries or zoos, where they died of natural causes. 

more information below

Before preparing the animal material, Ellen always consults with the spirit of the animal itself, asking its permission to give its body parts a second life. And before, during and after the preparation-work a lot of rituals are being done for the animal spirit, to make sure it has a good transition to the otherworld and to express respect and gratitude for the permission to use its body parts.

These animal products are prepared with much love and care, to be used in all your spiritual and ritual purposes, giving a physical expression to your personal connection to the natural world and spirit world. You can place them for example on your altar or use them for your own further crafting-purposes. 




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